We are pleased to announce that we can now distribute the CryptoShopper to the community to selected beta testers in the first p

01 Feb 2023, 14:47
We are pleased to announce that we can now distribute the CryptoShopper to the community to selected beta testers in the first pre-release version. Send me a private message if you want access to the version. You will then receive the invite link for the group. Please note that only HitBTC is currently supported. We work independently and in our free time. Johannes provides us with technical advice, but does not influence the development of the software. The actual versions will be held free of charge but we will happily accept donations. You will find the information in the application. We will NEVER privately message anyone, never ask for pkeys, api keys, investment models, or similar scams. If something like this happens, please write immediately in our group including @notify to one of the admins. What is the CryptoShopper and what should it do? The shopper is designed to simulate trades and encourage bots and humans to participate in the trade. We hope to get a higher trading volume and a higher appreciation from this. With a higher trading volume, a listing on larger exchanges may be possible. (My personal goal: Binance 😉) The tool is NOT a bot designed to generate profits and can only perform "stupid" buying and selling (at market price) if desired. It does not pay attention to highly volatile prices. All trading pairs available from the exchange are ready. Which exchanges are supported? Currently only HitBTC. Xeggex and Bittrex will follow and are under development. What functionality does the shopper bring? Individual: A single trade will be executed. Multi: A defined amount will be bought at a defined time (e.g. every 10 seconds 2000HTML) Random: A random value is determined between two defined values (time and value) and purchased. Resale: It can be set whether the purchased HTML should be sold again and, if desired, immediately re-purchased. It will be sold to the pair with the highest value and bought from the pair with the lowest price. The mode has the following parameters: - Value growth (based on the dollar value at the time of purchase) in percent - Wait time until the next check in minutes - Max volume (resale will only be executed if a defined volume is not exceeded. Currently, the volume of the respective exchange is used) - Rebuy (he immediately buys the HTML again. (ATTENTION!!! HERE IT WILL DEFINITELY LEAD TO A LOSS OF THE NUMBER OF HTML) Recharge: In the case of HitBTC, the exchange has separate wallets, one for trading and one for deposit. It is possible to transfer this automatically through the tool. You will find more detailed information such as a short guide and future plans/development status in the group. HTML to the moon 🚀